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5 major differences between living in a hostel and a PG.


Hostel and PG are two very great options for students who come from different cities. Although hostels only have a limited number of rooms, therefore, most students go for PG accommodations.


That hits a big question, what is the difference between living in a hostel and a PG, which one would be better for you. Therefore, we have compared hostels and PG accommodations on a few common factors, such as:  


  1. Affordability.


Both hostel and PG are an affordable option, although some hostels, especially the ones located inside a university campus are most affordable. But, hostels have a limited number of rooms available. Therefore, a PG is a great alternative for students who don't make the hostels cut off list.


  1. Safety.


The hostel does provide security, but often events of ragging have occurred in university-affiliated hostels. Therefore, many students prefer PG over a hostel. 


In PG, you are likely to live with a family, and therefore, you get a sense of security and comfort, which is often missing in a hostel. Both hostels and PGs have some restrictions and rules that you have to follow. In a hostel, you are the one responsible for your personal belongings, because your stuff is often gets stolen. That happens very less in PG accommodations. 


  1. Environment.


Very few hostels and PG accommodations are co-ed. Even in a city like Delhi, most PGs are either an all-girls PG or an all-boys in Delhi, that goes the same for hostels, as this way they ensure the safety and wellbeing of students. Security in a girls PG is often good and better, which it needs to be too.


In a hostel, you get to live with your peers, which is good for your studies and is also very fun. But, a lot of times, students get distracted from studies because of their peers. They end up giving fun a priority, which affects their education. 


A hostel also lacs the presence of a guardian. On the other hand, in a PG, the owner or caretaker plays the role of a guardian. 

  1. Accessibility and facilities.


In terms of accessibility and facilities, there is a huge difference between a hostel and a PG. Both PGs and hostels come pre-furnished with the availability of beds, tables, and chairs. But, PGs provide better facilities such as the availability of refrigerators, ACs, and cleaning service. 


Most hostels are located near universities or inside the university campus. You can also find some PG accommodations near your college, making both the options a lot more accessible for you.


  1. Food. 


In terms of food, you may have heard people joke about the food available in hostels, as most hostel provides food with lack of taste and nutritional value. On the other hand, in PG accommodations, you get food with great taste and nutritional value. 


Some PG accommodations also have kitchens available, if you don’t want to pay extra for food and want to cook for yourself. But, in a hostel, these facilities are nowhere to be found.


Both hostel and a PG is a great option for you, although it depends on the factor, which PG or hostel you choose.  Therefore, try to choose the best suitable accommodations, so that you don’t have to worry about anything else apart from your studies. 


How to improve your mobile app performance?

“A few years ago, I was with my friends, and I lost track of time, and passed my curfew, as this happens to the best of us. At that moment I didn't have any other option other than booking a cab. Therefore, I thought about booking a cab through a popular transportation service app. After putting down my pick-up and drop location, as soon as I clicked on the booking option, it showed an error, a god damn error. I tried several times but got nothing. As soon I reached home, I uninstalled the application, and since that day, I still haven’t gone back to that same app again. Instead, I use its other competitor apps.” 


The above story clearly shows how a mobile app with poor performance affects your customers. One bad user experience, and you can lose a valuable customer.  

Performance of your mobile app matters a lot, for some customers, it is the only way to do business with you. That is why you should always focus on your app’s performance, and it can mean things, such as speed, user experience, and its smoothness. 


Here we have given you ways to enhance the performance of your mobile app. 


  1. Less is more.


Companies often think that by offering more features is equal to offering better user experience, which is nowhere true. In terms of mobile app features, less is more. You should keep your mobile app features less, as more features tend to slow down your app's performance. 


Keep only relevant features on your app, that people use often.  Fewer features don't mean the application lacks on certain points. Most people would use an application even if it has fewer features, if it works smoothly rather than an application with tons of features but works like a snail.  

  1. Go with native.


Hybrid apps are affordable and easier to develop, but they are also slow in comparison to native mobile apps. If you have enough budget, then I would suggest you go for a native mobile application. Native mobile applications have a better user experience and function more smoothly. 


Native apps are designed specifically for an operating system. Therefore, they perform better and are more capable of using some smartphone features, such as GPS, camera, and sensors, for carrying out certain functions on your mobile app. 


  1. Resize and compress your images.


Using images and visual graphics to make your mobile app more attractive is a great idea. But, do you know large size images slow down your mobile app and the page loading speed.

Resize and compress every image on your app, as it will make your mobile more optimized and your page loading speed will also improve. You can use various tools to compress images, and it won’t make much difference in the clarity of the image. But it will certainly help with the performance of your mobile application. 

  1. Go for offline mode. 


There are a lot of countries that still face problems with poor internet connections. Even well-developed countries often struggle with poor internet connection in rural areas or places, such as lifts, rooftops, and basements. 


Adding an offline mode in your app will give your users a better and non-interruptive experience. An offline mode will help your customers in every possible situation, even if there is no internet connection. It makes sure your users can depend on your app, even in emergencies.


  1. Test regularly and thoroughly for performance.


Testing is an essential part of any mobile app development process. If you miss a little thing, it can cost you big time. That is why you need to do testing more frequently and thoroughly so that you won’t miss anything. 


A minor glitch is often responsible for a dysfunctionality in mobile apps. Therefore, you need to focus more on the testing process of the mobile application. You need to put your app under various circumstances to check their compatibility.

  1. Reduce HTTP calls.


Every HTTP request sent to your server slowers your mobile app performance. Therefore, you need to reduce HTTP calls for the smooth functioning of your website. 


To reduce these HTTP calls, you need to take actions like updating slow HTTP services to faster HTTP/2 services, and stream media from a dedicated media server. 


Nowadays, a mobile app is the soul of any business. That is why your mobile app needs to be helpful for your customers in every possible situation.


Once a user faces slight discomfort or unsatisfactory user experience, the chances of him using your mobile application again become less than often. Remember your app is for your customers, as at the end of the day, they are the ones who will give you business. Therefore, you need to keep checking the performance of your mobile app because your customer's happiness decides your company’s future.